Monday, November 17, 2008

Still Baking

OB appt went good today-my blood pressure is doing great (was a major worry when preggo with Bella) and Hunter's heartbeat is perfect. Still not dilating which is awesome. Gotta stay on bedrest as the doctor says, "Keep doing what your doing because its keeping him in there". I am allowed to drive now so our gameplan for Bella is for Ben to get her ready in the mornings, I'll take her to school after he leaves for work and then I'll pick her up right before he gets home in the afternoon. I can't keep up with her physically and its not fair to try to contain her in our room while I'm still on bedrest. She did really awesome last week going all day long and handled the schedule change like a champ!

I'm still on the surgery schedule for a CSection on Dec. 17th but the doctor said she'd be surprised if he waited that long. We are shooting for 37 wks which would be the first week of December...... see previous post re: mama intuition of Hunter being born on Dec. 5th-how crazy would that be?!?!

Off to be productive and get some work done before I lay down for a bit.

THANK YOU for all the prayers, phone calls and emails!!!!

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