Monday, February 2, 2009

Family Portrait Help

Ok I need HELP!!! I'm not creative at all when it comes to this stuff. We are getting more pictures done by Laurie Glenn ( - she did the pictures of Bella and us in the Fall.

This time she is gonna come out to the house and do studio type pics (check out the ones she did of my friend Julia's kiddos-the ones with black background-turned out BEAUTIFUL!!!). Sooooo I need help coming up with a look. We're mainly gonna do pics of Bella & Hunter but I want some of us too (Ben & I, Ben & kids, me & kids, and whole fam).

So, here are some of my ideas (definitely want SOME with a tutu and then some just normal):
  1. Pink Chica/Blue Boy~ Semi-copy cat off Julia. Get a pink tutu for Bella from my chica Cheli ( (jeez I'm surrounded by insanely talented people!!!). And have Hunter wear blue.
  2. Go Hawgs~ Get a black, white, and burgandy tutu for Bella, and Razorback jersey for Mr. Man.
  3. Spring Pretties~ Tutu for Bella in spring colors with either solid color shirt and jeans or tights, spring color polo and jeans for Hunter

k so either email me or leave a comment here with your vote or an idea of your own:) Muchas gracias!!!!

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